Pasta Carbonara

Other than doing butter and cheese, Carbonara is one of the simplest recipe for amazing pasta. And I love pairing this pasta with a filet of beef cooked perfectly medium rare. Don’t let the simplicity of this recipe (and it’s ingredients) fool you. This recipe delivers on flavor; it just requires a little technique to pull it off. Continue reading and I’ll walk you through it step by step.

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Basil & Parmesan Stuffed Lamb Leg

Hosting for a large group of people and need something easy that will guarantee success? This lamb leg dish is extremely easy to make and feeds a lot of people. It is great for large parties, especially because it only dirties one skillet and it cooks mostly in the oven. So all you do have to do is seal the juices in and wait for that internal temperature to rise to where you want it.

Here is a step by step guide on how to make this lamb leg, with detailed images explaining the process. It really is novice proof.

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